Emergent Narratological Explanatory Frames

Beatriz Penas –  “Emergent Narratological Explanatory Frames: From (non-)naturalness to (non)standardness (the case of haiku-like narratives).” Online at Academia (Beatriz Penas).*



One Reply to “Emergent Narratological Explanatory Frames”

  1. The concluding paragraph provides a rich selection of possible comparative studies of hybridity in genre. Beatriz Penas-Ibáñez writes:

    Western narratives like Ulysses [Joyce], In Our Time [Hemingway], One Hundred Years of Solitude [García Márquez], The Garden of Eden [Hemingway], Speak Memory [Nabokov], or Malloy [Beckett], or Japanese ones like Soseki’s I am a Cat, Kawabata’s Snow Country, Enchi’s Masks, Oe’s The Changeling, Murakami’s Norwegian Wood, Yoshimoto’s The Lake, — like old haibun narrative prose and haiku poetry — exemplify textual-generic and cultural hybridity to perfection. They would be the best examples of the new haiku-like ultra-hybrid (post)modernist standard.

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