Narrative as Structure and Action

In order to celebrate


  • the 30th Anniversary of the journal Narrative Inquiry & the publication of the Special Issue

Methodology of narrative study: What the first thirty years of Narrative Inquiry have revealed


  • the publication of the Routledge Handbook of Counter-Narratives (ed. by Klarissa Lueg and Marianne Wolff Lundholt)



Narrare, Centre for Interdisciplinary Narrative Studies, Tampere University, will organize a zoom seminar


Narrative as structure and action –  rethinking master and counter-narratives

April 19 2021

14:15–16:15 UTC+3 (summer time in Tampere)

12:15–14:15 UTC+1 (summer time in London)

Online seminar, Tampere University


During the last twenty years, the focus of narrative studies has moved from studying the structure of separate narrative texts to examining narration as action. The study of conversational storytelling and co-construction of meanings in talk-in-interaction together with the thriving positioning analyses provide examples of this gradual change.  The study of counter- and master narratives, however, seems to offer possibilities to study both action (telling counter-narratives) and structure (the existence of master narratives and genres) within the same analytic frame. In surveying this new field, we can ask questions such as:

  • how should the existence of master narratives be documented?
  • are master narratives primarily researcher’s (etic) or language user’s (emic) resources?
  • does the existence of a counter-narrative require explicit ‘speech act of resisting’ (Bamberg & Wippf)?
  • can we understand structures (genres and master narratives) in terms of some kind of ‘structuration,’ that is, as resulting from the previous narrative and other action?
  • what is the relationship between genres and master narratives?

You are welcome to discuss these and other related issues on April 19., at 14:00 –16:00 UTC+3 (summer time in Tampere), 12:00 – 14:00 UTC+1 (summer time in London)


14.15 Mari Hatavara, Tampere University: Opening words

14.20 Kim Schoofs & Dorien Van De Mieroop, KU Leuven: The negotiation of master narratives through epistemic competitions in interviews with Jewish Holocaust survivors

14.50 Klarissa Lueg, University of Southern Denmark: Bourdieusian practice theory and narratology: conceptualizing (counter)narratives as a means of field struggles

15.20 Matti Hyvärinen, Tampere University: Forging, evoking but not telling master narratives

15.50 Joint discussion



Anna Kuutsa is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.


Topic: Narrative as structure and action – rethinking master and counter-narratives

Time: Apr 19, 2021 02:15 PM Helsinki


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