Enunciación, ficción y niveles semióticos en el texto narrativo: https://www.academia.edu/422403/ |
Deader than Heaven on a Saturday night
Retropost, 2012: Deader than Heaven on a Saturday night https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2012/06/deader-than-heaven-on-saturday-night.html
Los blogs y la narratividad de la experiencia
Los blogs y la narratividad de la experiencia: https://www.academia.edu/168007/
Theory of Reflexive Fiction
Retropost, 2012: Theory of Reflexive Fiction https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2012/06/theory-of-reflexive-fiction.html |
The Mirror and the Veil
The Mirror and the Veil: https://www.academia.edu/336350/
Review of ‘Recent Trends in Narratological Research’
Review of ‘Recent Trends in Narratological Research’: https://www.academia.edu/421738/
Schmid, Wolf. (В. ШМИД). НАРРАТОЛОГИЯ: ЯЗЫКИ, СЛАВЯНСКОЙ, КУЛЬТУРЫ. Moscow, 2003. Online at Academia.* https://www.academia.edu/81567115/
Metaautobiographical Novels
Athanasiou-Krikelis, Lissi. “Twisting the Story: Margarita Karapanou’s Rien ne va plus and Amanda Michalopoulou’s Θα ήθελα as Metaautobiographical Novels.” Journal of Modern Greek Studies 34.1 (2016): Online at Project Muse / Internet Archive.*
J. Edgar: Megalomanía y metaficción
J. Edgar: Megalomanía y metaficción https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361328872