Thoughts on Narratio

Futre Pinheiro, Marília. (U of Lisbon). “Thoughts on diegema (narratio) in Ancient Rhetoric and in Modern Critical Theory.” In Literary Currents and Romantic Forms: Essays in Memory of Bryan Reardon. Ed. Kathryn Chew, J. R. Morgan and Stephen R. Trzaskoma. (Ancient Narrative, Supplement 26). Groningen: Barkhuis / Groningen U Library, 2018. 19-32.*

One Reply to “Thoughts on Narratio”

  1. Marília Futre Pinheiro provides a good overview of the ancient Greek sources. She also touches upon modern narratology. I am particularly intrigued by the comparative possibilities in the mention of three tripartite models (Bal, Barthes and Genette) which Futre Pinheiro connects to Aristotle (see pages 23-24).

    quote >
    These narrative levels are again not new, but represent a reformulation of the Aristotelian analysis of discourse in terms of invention, disposition and elocution (heuresis, taxis, lexis).
    < quote

    The whole passage on tripartite models is a fine advertisement for setting off to (re)read Mieke Bal.

    Thanks for posting Thoughts on Narratio and leading me to the sequence provided by the arrangement of heuresis, taxis, lexis.

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