Explicitando al Autor Implícito:
El autor implícito y el narrador no fiable —desde nuestro punto de vista
Retropost, 2011: El autor implícito y el narrador no fiable—desde nuestro punto de vista: https://vanityfea.blogspot.com/2011/09/el-autor-implicito-y-el-narrador-no.html
Nabokov’s Experiments and the Nature of Fictionality
Me cita Brian Richardson en STORYWORLDS (‘Nabokov’s Experiments and the Nature of Fictionality’): http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5250/storyworlds.3.2011.0073
The Rhetoric of Fiction
Recent Trends in Narratological Research
José Angel García Landa. Review of Recent Trends in Narratological Research: Papers from the Narratology Round Table ESSE 4, September 1997, Debrecen, Hungary, and Other Contributions. Ed. John Pier. New online edition (2004):
2004 DISCONTINUED 2020 – Online at the Internet Archive:
Chaucer the Author, Chaucer the Narrator, and the Wife of Bath
Luttrell, Eric. “Chaucer (Part 1 of 3) Chaucer’s England.” Video. YouTube (Eric Luttrell) 22 April 2017.*
_____. “Chaucer (Part 2 of 3): The General Prologue.” Video. YouTube (Eric Luttrell) 22 April 2017.*
_____. “Chaucer (Part 3 of 3): The Wife of Bath.” Video. YouTube (Eric Luttrell) 23 April 2017.*
A presença do autor em ‘Finisterra’, de Carlos de Oliveira
Seeger, Giseli. (U Federal de Santa Maria, RS, Brasil). “A presença do autor em Finisterra, de Carlos de Oliveira.” Navegaçôes 12.2 (July-Dec. 2019).*
Overhearing Narrative
Overhearing Narrative: https://www.academia.edu/705948/
Múltiples lectores implícitos
Múltiples lectores implícitos: https://www.academia.edu/1541112/
El autor implícito y el narrador no fiable—según nuestro punto de vista
El autor implícito y el narrador no fiable —según nuestro punto de vista: https://www.academia.edu/899251